After completing this quick start guide you’ll have generated and tested an authentication token that can be used in all subsequent requests to the Invopop API.
You don’t need to be a developer to use this guide, but you will need to have a bit of experience using the command line and know how to create a text file. For sending requests to the server we use the “curl” command, included with most operating systems. For easy visualisation of the response, we use the “jq” command, included with most operating systems. Install “curl” and “jq”, in case they are not installed in your system.
Create an Account
Head over to the the Invopop Console and follow the steps to either log in or create an account.
Get a Token
Once inside the console, click Settings.
Enter the Tokens section.
Tap the ”New Token” button.
Provide a name for future reference, and any notes perhaps describing a use case, then click Save.
You’ll be presented with a new token in text and a button to copy the details. Tap the copy button, and paste the token somewhere safe.
Invopop uses JSON Web Tokens. If you’re interested in seeing the contents, head over to and paste you’re token to see what’s inside.
To test our new token, open the Terminal and prepare our environment using the
following command, replacing <TOKEN>
with the actual token generated from the
Invopop console in the last step:
This saves us from copying and pasting the token every time we need to use it, and we can now make a call to the Invopop Ping service:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $INVOPOP_TOKEN" | jq .
"ping": "pong"
This ping call doesn’t do anything useful, other than ensuring that your connection and credentials are valid.
Most examples throughout this documentation will assume you have set the
You’ve now managed to authenticate with the Invopop API using a generated token.