Invopop’s Chargebee module allows you to import invoices and credit notes from Chargebee and process them with a workflow in Invopop. This lets you automate the transformation, processing and publishing of your invoices and credit notes to comply with local regulations and integrate with other apps.

How to set up

To set up the Chargebee module, please follow the steps below:

1. Prepare your Chargebee account

The first thing you need is a Chargebee account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for a free trial at Chargebee. Please refer to the Chargebee documentation for more information on how to configure it to generate invoices and credit notes in the country where you operate.

You may need to configure custom fields in some of your Chargebee objects (typically subscriptions and customers) to generate e-invoices in certain local formats. You can do this in the Chargebee dashboard under Settings > Configure Chargebee > Custom Fields. Please contact Invopop support for additional guidance on which fields you need to configure in the tax regime you operate in.

Your Chargebee account must also have API access enabled. You can enable API access from the Chargebee dashboard under Settings > Configure Chargebee > API Keys.

2. Enter the supplier details

Next, you need to enter the details of the supplier that will appear in the invoices and credit notes generated by the Chargebee module. To do this, go to Contacts > Suppliers in the Invopop console and create a new Supplier with the details of the company that will issue the invoices (name, tax ID, address…). Depending on the tax regime, the required information may vary. Please contact Invopop support if you need additional guidance.

3. Prepare a workflow

Now you have to set up a workflow in Invopop to process the invoices and credit notes imported from Chargebee. You can create one going to Configure > Workflows in the Invopop console.

The workflow should include the steps to convert and publish the imported invoices and credit notes as required by local regulations. You can also add steps for any additional automation you wish to apply to your invoices and credit notes, such as sending notifications, updating other systems, etc.

Make sure you add the Chargebee step at the end of the workflow to report back to Chargebee once the document has been processed.

4. Connect the Chargebee module

Finally, you need to connect and configure the Chargebee module itself. You can do this by going to Configure > Modules in the Invopop console. There you will be able to “Connect” and “Configure” the module by providing the Chargebee site and API key, and selecting the provider and workflow you prepared in the previous steps.

How to use

Once the module setup is complete, you can go to Modules > Chargebee in the Invopop console to trigger the sync process that will import and process any newly generated invoices and credit notes from Chargebee.

As part of the sync process, the Chargebee module will post comments to the invoices and credit notes in Chargebee to indicate the processing status, report errors and link to the generated files.